During june holidae aft a grueling wk of study camp... me,A,D,S,J went to Beijing China...!! hehe..fun sia..of course 2gther wif a grp of 41 students consisting of xpress n na students.. it was the most wonderful xperience i had alone i guess.. i mean wif ma frens..w/o any parents...hahakz...d 1st dae ws unxpected i guess... J lost d passport on d 1st dae we reach to Beijing CHina...WTF! he ar... n of course a boi i dunno who lost hs wallet..so CARELESS!! bcoz of tt we cnt go eat in town..n instead we eat at 4eva king...omg..the you tiao is like so oily sia...!! d 1st dae ws terrible... mayb Beijing dun welcome us or sumthing..hahahakz..it rained...n omg its SO DAMN cold lor...wen d droplets drop n touch ur skin...its so icy cold...VRY VRY cold..cannot tahan sia...we took a lot pics...hahakz...nvr been dere b4 mahz...i took wif R...unbeliavable..i noe..he's ok..except he's jus arrogant...like duh uh!! Den aft tt we went to rainbow hotel..long sia..1 hr journey..haha..actualli nt bad ar...in d bus evry1 is like slping..all gt unique styles of slping..der's dis guy slp wif d mouth open sia..n Mr Wong is basically filiming it..hahahakz...so bad sia...i sit wif A..hehe..he oso slpin..nvrmd ar..evry1 is slpy...nt comfortable slpin in d plane...
Den hor..tt dae itself during d nite...it ws so sad sia..my fren dun even remembered my bdae..haiz...sobx sobx...i wanna cry...Fuck lar!! we were hungry so went down to d convenient store 2 buy stuffs...PSss...we went dwn secretly..hehe...none of d tchers knew..hehe..we are so naughty sia..tt ws d best part of it...hehe...anywae i ws so quiet...frowning n feeling sad all d wae....haiz...wrong mehz..??..to feel sad..sum1 4gt ur bdae..u noe its like so fucked up lor...!!haiz...i dun xpect my frens to buy me any presents..i jus wan dem to remember it,grit me n jus celebrate it wif me...tts all..izzt too much to ask meh..??..haiz...sum1 ans...to be continued....ZhAnEy peace outz!!